Weekly Newsletter
I would like to welcome NATASHA RAJU ’10 back to the area and thank her for joining the club as well as stepping in to fill the role as our new ADVERTISING Committee Chair. Natasha has spent her career in advertising and will be a huge assistance to our club in this capacity. She is filling some time while waiting to attend grad school. She is very energetic and we are very excited to have her assisting us, even if for a limited time.
While we are very excited to have new members involved with the club we still have several positions available if you would like to get involved.
Current Committee Chair Openings include:
+ Howdy Hour Coordinator
+ Big Event Coordinator
It is that time of year for high school seniors to begin applying for scholarships. As A&M continues its admittance procedures, keep in mind that our WCAMC scholarship application is now available. While we have attempted to make sure that all Williamson County High Schools have access to the applications, we would also like to remind you that the application is available on our website; https://www.wcamc.com/scholarships/
Please keep in mind that the deadline for receiving applications is 1 APRIL ’16
We would like to thank everyone who came out to Double Dave’s for our Muster Committee meeting at Family Night last month. It certainly helped up our attendance at an already popular event. Certainly appreciate those who came early for dinner and fellowship.
If you were unable to attend the meeting it is is not too late to sign up and assist at Muster. Abby and her crew have done a great job of getting things lined up but could still use a hand on the day of. Please feel free to contact Abby or go to the online connection to sign up directly: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-reeCubk-xzCgqCSTQz3BpNOheDL125MnBD1b0l8lC0/edit?usp=drive_web
In addition, our online registration is now open: wcamc.aggienetwork.com/muster
If you are new to the club or new to the area I am sure by now you have heard about our Annual Scholarship Fish Fry Fundraiser. This event is the talk of the county and it is time to begin planning this years event which will be held on Friday June 10th. If you have wanted to get involved with the club but not sure how to get your feet wet, this is a great place to start. We will begin making plans for the annual event and always looking for ways to make it more enjoyable as well as more profitable since we are raising money for Aggie Scholarships! Please come out and join for this initial planning meeting as we would love to have everyone involved.
Date: Sunday 6 March
Time: 5PM
Location: Georgetown Health Foundation, 2423 Williams Dr #101, Georgetown
You are welcome to join the Capital City A&M Club for their annual Austin Aggie 100 Awards luncheon as we honor the achievements of the fastest growing Aggie-owned companies in the Austin area. Event will be March 3rd.
Guest Speakers: Dr. Richard Lester
This event is hosted by the CCAMC, for additional information: Aggie 100 Luncheon – March 3rd, 2016 – Hotel Granduca – 11:30am
Please join us as we honor the Austin Area Aggie 100 Recipients from 2015. Dr. Richard (Dick) Lester, ’03, Executive Director Mays Business School – Center for New…
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If you happen to be on College Station looking for a fun event you might want to check out the ‘CARPOOL’ Gala. CARPOOL stands for Caring Aggies R Protecting Over Our Lives and consists of about 250 members who dedicate their weekends to providing free, safe, nonjudgmental and completely confidential rides home to anyone in the Bryan/College Station area. We operate every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night from 10 pm to 3 am during the fall and spring semesters. Since we started operations in 1999 we have given over 250,000 rides safe rides home. We strive to keep both our fellow Aggies and the entire community safe.
This year’s Gala will be held on April 2, 2016 at the Pebble Creek Country Club in College Station. If anyone is interested in purchasing tickets, please visit www.carpool.tamu.edu/gala
The date and location have been set for the Annual SEC Golf Tournament. This is a great event to come out and enjoy, while earning money for scholarships. Each school receives funds based on the number of teams that participate. Save the date, Sunday 24 April as we will tee it up at Shadow Glen in Manor with a shotgun start at 1PM. Sponsorship’s are available if you are interested in promoting your business. Registration will be open soon so keep an eye out. Feel free to sign up as a team or an individual and you will be paired with others from the same university. www.facebook.com/AustinSECClub/events
The RRAAM would like to invite everyone to their annual Anniversary Dinner & Silent Auction on Saturday March 5, 2016 @ 6:30PM, benefiting their student scholarship program. Tickets are $20 for a night of dinner, entertainment, silent auction and must be purchased by 29 Feb. The event will be held at the Allen R Baca Center located at 301 W Bagdad in Round Rock. For additional information contact Melanie Busby: melanie.busby@twc.state.tx.us
More information on the event can be found here: https://rraamc.aggienetwork.com/events/dinner-silent-auction/
We work hard to offer a variety of events in hopes that your schedule will allow you to join as often as possible. We realize everyone is busy but it is always good to take a little time for friends and expand your network. We will continue our ‘THURSDAY’ event schedule, but keep your eyes open for a few twist as we move through the year.
This week we will have our Reveille Breakfast @ Rudy’s located on IH-35, south frontage road in Round Rock at FM 3406. Leave for work a little early and swing by to discuss Aggie sports and grab a taco to start your day. There is always a wide range of topics and a good way for early morning networking. If you know of any locally owned Aggie establishments, please be sure to pass them along as we look to support local, particularly Aggie business’.
David A. Johnson ’87
WCAMC President