A couple of weeks ago, we had our Annnual Club Membership Meeting. During the Annual Meeting David Johnson recapped efforts to endow a scholarship through A&M. This is separate from the scholarships funded through the Williamson County A&M Foundation. To further those efforts, the members voted to contribute $5,000 of excess club funds towards the endowment in honor of David Johnson’s service to our club as President for the last 4 years. With that contribution and previous individual contributions, we are approaching 50% of the $25,000 needed to fund our the endowment and start awarding scholarships. If you would like to contribute to the endowment, you can do so at https://www.wcamc.com/endow/. Contributions are through the Texas A&M Foundation and are tax deductible.
Additionally, I was elected to replace David Johnson as President and Alan James, Gerry Parker, and Kevin Ross were chosen to join the Board to fill vacancies left by Susan Merriman, Shuler Page, and David Schell.
As the new president, let me briefly introduce myself. I graduated from A&M in 1997 and hung around College Station for a few more years as my wife finished her degree and I went to grad school. We moved from College Station to Round Rock just over 10 years ago and became involved with the Williamson County A&M Club not long after, serving as a Board Member for the last two years.
Aggie Pizza Night is coming up on Thursday at Double Dave’s in Cedar Park, Georgetown, and Round Rock. Come and hang out with fellow Aggies.
David Schell ‘97 President, WCAMC
Muster Committee
It’s also never too early to start planning for Muster, if you would like to volunteer in any way, please email Muster@wcamc.com and we will get you connected.
Round Rock Area Aggie Moms’ Club Annual Casino Night
Please consider joining them for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship to raise money for scholarships to be awarded to local incoming Texas A&M freshman. Casino Games, Dinner and Silent Auction.