

Fish Fry Sponsorship
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Product Details

Sponsorship Levels:

Howdy $150
2 meal tickets

Sul Ross Sponsorship $500
4 tickets & 2 tee shirts*

Reveille Sponsorship $1000
6 tickets & 4 tee shirts*, company name listed on tee shirts, and 8.5”X11” table top signs

Ol’ Sarge Tee Shirt Sponsorship $2000
10 tickets & 6 tee shirts*, 4” sq tee shirt logo, 8.5”X11” table top signs, and MC recognition during the event

Kyle Field Title Sponsorship $3000 (4 max)
16 tickets & 10 tee shirts*, 4”X8” tee shirt logo, 2’X3’ sign, 8.5”X11” table top signs, MC recognition throughout the event, and Company logo/name will be incorporated in all event marketing

For Sponsorship information text/call 5128872247 or

* Tee shirts will be reserved and available at the entrance for all donations made prior to May 1st. After that, tee shirts will be available until they run out! Additional and individual tee shirts available for purchase. Names and logos will be added to tee shirts until April 15th, after that will be a best effort with the printer to make edits to the shirt artwork.

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